OK, you are right that a rival with low soak/WT isn’t that threatening. If I were to summarize your proposal @P-47Thunderbolt, I think it is this:
Sentry directives
Hard Computers
72 hrs
2 ranks in a Combat skill, 2 Vigilance If the chassis is not already a Rival or Nemesis, it becomes a Rival
Yes, I threw that talent in from somewhere else, I think, but seems to make sense for a sentry. Is the required time about right?
[edited per comments below]
Yep, that’s about it. It should be “2 ranks in a Combat skill” not “2 in any.” The latter could be seen as suggesting that you have 2 ranks to put in any of the combat skills, not 2 in one skill.
I wouldn’t go with Constant Vigilance. If it’s doing its sentry duty, it’ll be using Vigilance for initiative. If it’s trying to ambush someone, it’s not going to do that great a job. I think good Vigilance, bad Cool is appropriate.
(think of it this way, if you’re setting on it, it’ll react quickly. But if it’s trying to set upon you, you’ll hear it coming from a ways away)
I think it’s okay without a talent, since it does get a second rank in a skill, which is more than most of the comparable directives.
OK removed talent and reworded above. Hmm. There’s no RAW way to add a talent on programming. I guess we can leave it to the GM & PC to decide if some Advantages or a Triumph could be spent on a new talent that’s appropriate to the selected skill. I kinda liked Point Blank or Disorient.
Eye for Details feels 100% like a crafting talent, I love it. It has probably skewed how many successes I feel are normal on a crafting roll, as in most cases I can use it to add extra advantages. :)