My notes from paper to digital format, random!
Revised: 10/21/21 1210 EST
-[44 BBY to 20 BBY] Pre-Campaign Timeline Changes
-Divergent Point from Disney Canon Timeline (DCT): The assassination of Ranulph Tarkin prior to him leading the ORSF attack on the pirate Iaco Stark in 44 BBY.
-General Grievous dies in surgery, the CIS doesn’t employ bio-weapons or terrorist attacks during the Galactic War?
-Qui-Gon leaves the Jedi Order to travel, finds the Jedi temple and documents that appears in one of those movies, doesn’t die by Darth Maul’s lazer sword, starts a new CIS Jedi Order going back to the “basics”?
-Jedi Master Dooku leaves the Jedi Order, founds a new Jedi Order/Tradition in the CIS, the Jedi Council is paralyzed by internal debate and doesn’t interfere, even as many Jedi leave to join this new CIS Jedi Order/Tradition?
-The Jedi Order refuses to join the rebuilt Republic Army and Navy, as they are peacekeepers of the Judicial Forces, and not military officers, and have no interest in building a Jedi Army?
-There is no secretly built Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), instead the Military Creation Act is passed earlier then in the DCT and the restrictions of the Russan Reformations are lifted, and the Republic Army and Navy starts slowing rebuilding in the open?
-New designs of vehicles, starfighters, and Capital Ships for the Republic Army and Navy, built for non-organics servicemembers?
-New designs of vehicles, starfighters, and Capital Ships for the Confederate Army and Navy, built for organic servicemembers?
-House Tarkin and Eriadu join the CIS as a founding member world, and the players are part of their military forces (ORSF); the more missions they succeed in the more responsibilities and freedom of independence they have (using the AOR Duty mechanic)?
-Rename the pan-Galactic War something other than “The Clone Wars”, as in this timeline the Kamino Clones nor the Trade Federation Droids are the central focus of the war, but instead organic species fighting for retaining power/centralized government vs. diffusing power/decentralized government as the primary focus of the conflict.
-References of the Campaign (priority): FFG SW RPG line, The Essential Guide to Warfare, The Essential Atlas, Jedi vs. Sith The Essential Guide to the Force….
-Space Opera Narrative Game in Episodic Format, limited sandbox, or full sandbox campaign style?
-The events of the movies didn’t happen, as the timeline diverges before they start?
-Patreon for Wookieepedia and the SWRPG Community?
-Darth Sidious’s plans don’t follow that of the movies, discards the Rule of Two, and creates a new Sith Brotherhood on Exegol?
-Start campaign prior to 1st movie?
-Sith Eternal and Exegol are founded much earlier?
-Use 5x8 index cards to form outlines of topics, then develop further in WORD document?
-Edit “SW RPG” folder to replace all old documents prior to SEP 2021, and download all SW files from the FFG SW website.
-Make list of famous people and make profiles to figure where everyone is at the campaign start in 20 BBY?
-New CIS Jedi Academy on Eriadu?
-Tarkin family increases Eriadu’s sphere of influence by abandoning its pro-humans stance and embracing multi-speciesim and turning their world into an economic and trade powerhouse, and importing advanced terraforming and environmental cleaning technology to clean the planets pollution, and to rival the Core Worlds in power and influence?
-Go through each year from 40 BBY downwards and take notes of special events at the tail end of the High Republic era (80 BBY – 33 BBY) to see how I might incorporate them into my campaign.
-Systems and Resources to the Galactic West?
-New CIS Jedi order?
-The Chosen One Prophecy?
-The Clone Wars without Palpatine controlling both sides of the conflict?
-No Plot Armor for main NPCs?
-Relationship between Jedi Master Dooku, Qui-Gon, Anakin, and Obi-Won?
-Dathomir as part of the CIS Jedi training program?
-Evolution of the GR Judicial Forces and Planetary Defense Forces to the reborn Republic Navy and Army?
-Evolution of the CIS Judicial Forces and Planetary Defense Forces to a new Confederate Law Enforcement equivalent, Army and Navy?
-Creation of a new Galactic Republic via conscription, robots, clones, volunteers, Judicial Forces, Planetary Defense Forces, no Jedi, mercenaries…?
-Exogel status in 20 BBY?
-Mandolore and Mandalorian status in the CIS?
-Council of Neutral Systems status?
-Cutting off the source of Raw Materials to the Core Worlds before the start of the Galactic War?
-Reorganize Chrome Bookmarks?
-Reorganize RPG folder on OneDrive?
-Create Book reading list?
-Locate RPG Wiki and Master index?
-Check prices of SW Legos Clone War figures vs. Star War Legions miniatures?
-Check VTT support: Roll20, Foundry, and Fantasy Grounds?
-Google Star Wars “Master Index”, “GM Tools”, and “RPG Resources”?
-Download FFG Star Wars DLCs into new folder?
-Jedi Sifo-Dyas died in 32 BBY (DCT), have him leave with Dooku in 42 BBY?