It says:
“Error: User Not Found
Please check against next week.”
Is the forum being weird, or are you saying something my fighter plane brain finds inexplicable?
Edit: Ah, it now occurs to me that you are saying you’re taking the week off give real life, as mentioned previously. Apologies, I’m still recovering from my brief stint as Herbert Bartholomew Malignant the Fourth, Emperor of the Fact-Gophers. You would not believe how befuddled splitting your personality with a maniacal rodent newspaperman would make you.
None of the above; a combination of a massive headache, a little yorkie crying incessantly that IF I DON’T WALK HIM RIGHT NOW HE SWEARS TO GOD HE IS GOING TO BLOW UP, and me hitting “enter” by accident = a post that didn’t make sense. My bad.
Let me try again : I will take you up on your offer of working on the abovementioned spreadsheet next week when I can effectively focus my creative energies to do so.
I am in a bad health place right now, so I am going to miss out of FREE RPG DAY (SAT 10/16/21) this year; I am currently working with my doctor to get better. (Not asking for sympathy, just explaining why I am unable to do any creative writing or thinking the past week or so.)