Anyone who uses Fantasy Grounds?

I’m trying out the Star Wars Edge of the Empire rulset for Fantasy Grounds (I don’t have a subscription, just the demo version). And I was wondering if anyone here uses Fantasy Grounds and this rulset? I’ve been trying out the rulset in the demo and have tried to fill my character sheet and have a few questions.

There seem to be no tab for Force powers, having them mixed in with the normal talent’s doesn’t make sense. Is there a tab I’m missing?

In the combat tab of the caracter all talents and special abilities show. While Items (weapons) has an option to be added to the combat tab, all talents seem to end up there. Is there a way to hide non-combat talents from the combat tab?

I can’t seem to add a portrait to my character, not in Character or Portrait section.

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I haven’t yet, my friend bought the life time access and we were looking to move over there. To get help with it I would join the Fantasy grounds Discord group, go to the other Ruleset section where Star wars would fall and ask for help. I did that and got 2 direct messages from their member when I asked for help. Tiderian was a member of that group who was most helpful for me.

Make sure to take a look at Foundry VTT also.