Wow, that was excellent. 7/8 on the fifty-cal scale.
The combat was well done (my only objection is the tank missile thingy, for a variety of reasons), and I especially enjoyed the scene with Tech and the BARC scouts.
The writers cheated a bit with Omega. We see her firing her bow (a lethal weapon) at clones, because she “has to contribute,” but they specifically do NOT show her hitting anyone, usually not even showing where her shots hit, meaning they knew they were going outside the “no lethal force unless necessary” rule.
The portrayal of the non-Bad Batch clones was excellent, and of course the Bad Batch were done well. I really enjoyed Wilco and Rampart at the end.
One piece of very clever writing was the interaction confirming that Tech et al were still alive to Wilco. They set up the need for confirmation in an organic way, set up the method of confirmation ahead of time in an organic way, and then pay it off in an organic way. I was thrilled with the quality.
The only writing quibble I have is with the free-falling cargo container. The tension is entirely external to the characters, and for meta reasons lacks tension. We know it won’t kill them, but they set it up ahead of time as die/no die, so we know they’re going to survive. Additionally, the characters have no effect on whether the thrusters kick on or not, so there’s no time-crunch tension as we watch the character frantically try to make it work.
On the other hand, the scene with the cargo container that culminated in Tech breaking his leg was fantastic because it had consequences and combined “force of nature” with character competence, so that they were neither leaves in the wind nor masters of their own destiny. At any rate, very good. And the fact that the consequence stuck around and wasn’t forgotten later in the episode, I very much approve of. I look forward to seeing more of the show, so far I think it’s better than the first season.
Oh, side note, Omega looks a whole lot older in this one. Definitely more than five months. I can’t quite settle on why that is, though. I think her face is a bit older, maybe? It’s subtle, whatever it is.