Balance between - Dodge, Side Step and Defensive stance

In my game we have players who have these talents and they do not feel well balanced. They both cost strain equal to the ranks you choose to use. But Dodge works on all Attacks and is a reaction. where the other 2 require a maneuver and and only work on 1 type of attack. I understand it works on all attacks of those types for the until the start of the characters next turn.

In my games normally players do not get attack frequently in a round where it feels liked Dodge is a lot better since you do not lose your maneuver and works on both.

Do you feel these talents are done well or should be adjusted?
If you feel the should be adjusted how would you recommend to change them?

It’s situational.
If a GM/“the NPCs” tends to focus down characters, Side Step/Defensive Stance is better. If the GM/“the NPCs” spreads the attacks around, Dodge is better. If there are few NPCs, Dodge tends to be better. If there are many, Side Step/Defensive Stance gets the edge.

I don’t think it’s plausible to adjust any of the talents. They aren’t “balanced,” per se, because they are different. The only thing that can “balance” the talents is the GM.

An effect of Side Step/Defensive Stance that I haven’t seen mentioned is that when you have it active, it can dissuade a GM from attacking you because you’re a harder target. The inverse can also be true, where the GM wants to make sure you get your Strain’s worth and you become a blaster magnet. Dodge purely being a reaction reduces the psychological impact on the GM, although it may still factor into his decision-making process. Even still, all of this is very GM-dependent.

TL;DR: It’s all about the GM; I say keep them as-are.

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