Chain Codes
A quick search in here only brings a breif mention by P47 in the Bad Batch thread.
Who’s using them already?
What response have you had from your players?
So, one of my players mentioned possibly going to a doc for a checkup, and it made me start thinking about chain codes (basically, how this would be a nice way to open up some interesting events, should said doc run his code, etc.), and how to standardise them in my game.
Wookieepedia has little more in the subject than any of us could glean from watching Mando & Bad Batch.
For my mind, I’m thinking I’ll use them as something along the lines of glorified National Insurance or Social Security number, like a BOSS code, but for people, that would be updated every time it’s used, as well as feeding back updates to databases with an older time stamp.
So, they’ll be linked to biometric data, and will contain the following:
- Basic demographic data (age, species, parents, planet of birth, etc)
- Medical data (blood type, allergies, chronic conditions)
- Service history (for anyone ever employed in the Imperial military, any civil service, law enforcement, etc.)
- Membership of any Officially recognised guilds (Bounty Hunters, hauliers, craftspeople, etc.)
- Criminal records (time served, outstanding warrants, officially registered bounties, etc.)
That said, as an Empire thing, and a much younger system, their usage will be far less wide spread than a BOSS code.
- Core World/Inner Rim: Definitely widely used, all citizens have one, all local databases regularly updated centrally via the holonet or data packet messenger (just like BOSS codes)
- Middle Rim: As above for major trade hubs, systems on major HS lanes, and planets with a heavy Imperial presence. But lesser planets, or unaffiliated systems will have far less take up by the populace, and local databases would be infrequently updated.
- Outer Rim: most systems would not use them at all, or keep a local database, never mind have regular updates. With the exception being those under Imperial controll, which would still like be less strict than in the core, but databases would have regular updates.
- Hutt Space: Little to no use at all.
- Corporate Sector: Zero Use, but probably have their own independent (and no doubt privately run) seperate system of civic registration.
What other thoughts would ya’ll have on the subject?