So I’ve read both Thrawn: Ascendancy books currently out as well as Thrawn: Alliances and want to create rules for them as a character’s Third Sight returns. (Spoilers Ahead) My search-fu has been weak so I apologize if this has been addressed somewhere else.
In reading the books it seems like the Foresee force power set fits as Che’ri senses that people are coming before the door opens and makes the comment in the second book about seeing that they are about to run into something and changing the course so they don’t. Vader also seems to use foresee in Alliance as well. Che’ri seems to pick up on piloting fairly quickly so I’m guessing there may be some piloting involved, given there is no piloting: hyperspace I would tend to lean towards using piloting: space
I was thinking of a 10-15pt category in that set called Hyperspace Piloting: Make an average astrogation along with a Foresee power check (must commit a force result to activate).
Success: You have the proper exit vectors you can use add one Boost die to the piloting checks while in hyperspace. Triumph: You take the most optimal exit vector add an additional Boost die to the piloting checks while in hyperspace and reduce the travel time/number of piloting rolls needed while in hyperspace.
Failure: You don’t have the proper exit vector add 1 setback die to all piloting checks while in hyperspace. Despair: You take the worst exit vector into hyperspace add an additional setback die to the piloting checks while in hyperspace and increase the travel time/number of piloting rolls needed while in hyperspace.
Once in hyperspace the Hyperspace Pilot commits their force dice, upgrading their piloting check by the number of force dice. The Hyperspace Pilot make a number of Piloting Space checks to keep the ship on the appropriate hyperspace path.
Advantages: The Hyperspace Pilot can spend advantages to have a better feel for the path an make the ride smoother for the passengers.
Threat: The journey takes longer and puts more strain on the pilot as well and the ride is rougher for the passengers.
Failure: The pilot starts to lose the path and must make an immediate piloting check, failure again or have a despair on the failed check and the pilot must drop out of hyperspace to regain their bearings restating the whole process. The GM adds additional travel time to the journey either way.
Triumph: The Pilot finds a new optimal path that shaves a significant time off of the journey.
Despair: There is either a new anomaly in the path or other such obstacle that causes the pilot to have to readjust their path while in hyperspace adding a significant delay to the arrival time, possibly causing even more piloting checks or the pilot is rendered disoriented and staggered when they come out of hyperspace increasing the duration of these effects by the number of times the pilot rolled a despair.
The Hyperspace Pilot can only remain in hyperspace a maximum of 12 hours and must rest a full 12 hours after that.