For a Knight level game, you want to start with the Jedi Padawan, and you CAN use “Short Path to Power” and 40 xp to get an FR of 3, but more on that in a bit, you at least want the FR of 2. You want to start by getting all the Enhance skill lines (the left side of the power); the Farsight power to the Perception skill boost (middle right of the power track); the Influence power to its skill boost (middle left of the power track); and the Manipulate power to its first skill boost (the far left side of the track).
As for characteristics, if you aim for the FR of 3, just try to spread your characteristics around as evenly as possible, remember, this build is a generalist. If you can find ways to reduce cost (custom building, having a Cyberneticist in the group, etc.) acquire a cybernetic arm that boosts Agility, and a cybernetic leg that boosts Brawn. If you are happy with an FR of 2, use the 120 xp to get your initial characteristics to: Br 2, Ag 2, In 3, Cu 3, Wp 3, Pr 3; with the cybernetics this gives you all 3s for your characteristics. If you want the FR 3, I suggest setting Cunning to 2 and boosting it with your first Dedication (as a Padawan).
It is important to note, this build does not invest in skill ranks (until after all the skill powers are obtained), instead it keeps skills relevant by boosting them with the force. Thus, after the initial build, you grab the Executioner specialty and you make a b-line for Essential Kill, the FR bump, and another Dedication. During this time, grab Foresee to its Initiative boost (first control upgrade), and, if you can get your GM to allow it, try to grab Jenserra’s Influence up to the Fear check control boost (middle right track) and Warde’s Foresight until at least the first control upgrade.
That is the core of the build. After this, I might take Navigator, for a quick path to another FR boost, then stay to grab Intuitive Navigation and One With The Universe. If you still need more places to go after that, use Force Sensitive Exile to gain another (relatively) quick FR boost (as you get to skip Secrets of the Force (at least as I understand it).
And that is about it… I don’t have many useful builds, but this one is a LOT of fun! Again, try to avoid the temptation to spend lots on skills. Find skills you really need to be able to achieve Triumph on (like leadership), and make sure you have at least 1 skill rank in those skills. This build was originally an experiment in NOT spending skill points (which I failed since I still focused on skills
), so that is worth keeping in mind for the sake of perspective.
I have a whole build on RPG Sessions if you want, I’ll post a link.