Experienced D&D Player Looking to Get into SWRPG

Greetings, my excellent friends. My name is Nugg, and I have never played this system before. I have about a year and a half of experience playing D&D 5e, and I’ve been DMing since this past October. I am in Central Time and I’m available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from 8 pm onward. As far as character creation goes, I’ve always wanted to play a dual-wielding Rodian Jedi with green lightsabers in a Star Wars game. I would love to play a game by voice and I am accustomed to Owlbear Rodeo, but willing to learn other systems. I like a good balance of RP and combat, although I do like combat more.

Umm yeah I think that’s it. Looking forward to playing some Star Wars with y’all! DM me on Discord @NUGGet3562 if you’ve got an opening.

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Welcome to the party! We hope you brought Wookiees.

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