GM Workshop: Chases & Races


The next event in the GM Workshop Series is coming! GM Workshop Chases & Races : Ready, Set, Go presented by @StewartTurkeylink. This event will focus on the titled subject matter - running exhilerating chases, races and more. Dive into running exciting chase and race scenes, one of the most consistent tropes of the Star Wars universe, within the Star Wars RPG system. Maybe now is the time to get your PCs setup with their own podracing league.

For information on timing, to receive reminders, and to express interest, sign up here: Discord

As always, keep an eye out on our website (Calendar) and here for other upcoming events.


Is it possible to watch it after? Uploaded anywhere?

We will record this one just like the previous one and post it to YouTube :slightly_smiling_face:. Happening May 9th!

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What YouTube channel?

Thanks, found it on Discord!

Star Wars RPG Community - YouTube :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey folks, just a reminder that this is coming up this Sunday! Mark your interest here: Discord

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Wow: I really said “haul ass” a ton here.

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Hahahah, here’s the link to this workshop for those that missed it: