How many posts on one page in a topic?

Is there any chance of limiting how many posts there can be on each “page” in a topic?

(Or is there already a limit and I simply haven’t run into it yet?)

Once a lot of replies appear in a thread, it gets harder and harder to find specific posts if all the replies are on the same page as the opening post. I know that some forums limit a topic’s pages to somewhere between 20 to 50 posts per “page”.


Hey there! So the forum backend we use - Discourse - supports “endless scrolling” similar to reddit and other modern forum sites in that it doesn’t have pages per topics.

I can certainly look into if that’s an option, however, I would suggest trying to lean on the side scroll bar. It’s meant to be a means by which to keep track of older posts.

You can also link directly to individual posts using the link button :link:

EDIT: Also, just to add, your URL will dynamically update as you scroll. So if you go to another page, and hit back - you’ll be returned to where you were. And you can share the URL and that will take whoever you share it with to the same location you were at.

Another way you can save locations/posts is through the bookmark feature - image