My search-fu is not strong today. Can anyone help me find the game-equivalent for the gear used by Luke Skywalker to swing himself and Leia over the DS-1’s “bottomless shaft” in ANH?
IIRC, it was attached to his belt, and included something which functioned like a grappling hook. I seem to remember reading about a “liquid rope dispenser” somewhere, but haven’t been able to find it again.
Climbing Gear is too unwieldy (too many parts according to the description).
Concealed Climbing Cord (CaM), on the other hand, fits the description (a lightweight, 0-hard point gear attachment for something like a utility belt).
I mean it could’ve just been narrative and Luke just used the Utility Belt action to pull out a grappling hook.
(Don’t quote me on how Utility Belt works, I haven’t read up on it)