Hey, SWRPG Community!
We’re back with another exciting update from the reSpecialized Project. This time, we come fully-loaded with the Hired Gun Career!
This career offered some very specific challenges. Namely, the age old of problem of how to engage the sub-niches of a combat-focussed tree without trading away power or action economy. I started off this Career thinking Marauder was going to be the easiest, as it started very bland, but it ended up very difficult to nail down. I think we got there, and we hope you agree! My favorite to develop this release was definitely the Enforcer, a very fun niche that was a bit of a jumble in the base game, very much leveled up and broadened in reSpec. Please let us know what you think!
As per usual, I would like to thank my excellent and dedicated design team:
Ebak - Graphic Designer, Design Contributor
Filbert - Resource Coordinator, Design Contributor
And a big thank you to all the development enthusiasts that provide excellent ideas, help us dial in balance, and tell us what should stay on the cutting room floor.
Links to our current release, Hired Gun, are below:
Also, check out the improved Assassin 1.2
To see what we have done previously with the Bounty Hunter, Colonist, Explorer, and Hired Gun Careers, and check out our previous press releases and/or Development Roadmap, check out our reSpecialized Master Document Here.
Thank you for engaging with our content! We hope you find it useful in a Galaxy far, far away, and at your table.
LittlestMinish (Drew) ~ Creative Director