Share Current campaign Ideas

To get more discussion and sharing ideas I was going to ask what the main plot of your current campaign ? This may help others to get inspired or steal ideas to add to their own campaigns.

Currently I have 2 going on

Force and Destiny game - it takes place about 7 years after order 66, the players were hired to help him get his daughter back. The hard part is he knows his daughter is one of the Imperial inquisitors, he has a mole on the inside to leak some info to help the players. They have to take her alive and convince her to quit working for the Imperials. They have had to fight multiple inquisitors so far trying to get the one they want. One of my players introduce them as being part of a cloning project to be force sensitive which has become a sub plot.

My 2nd is an age of rebellion game - the group started as independents but have partnered with an alliance contact and are being given mission to help the alliance. They are working to discover a secret weapon being built by the Empire - The Onager class Star Destroyer, the predecessor to the Death Star. Its super weapon will blow up cities versus whole planets.

Hope this may inspire some for their next games and people are willing to share their campaigns.

Mandalorian exiles post-purge try to gather the scattered remnants of their people and resettle Mandalore. It’s pretty sandboxy, but I get to pull in all kinds of exotic environments and circumstances as they meet other clans and enclaves of Mandalorians.

Post-ROTJ, set in the Zygerrian part of space. The remnants of the Zygerrian “empire” have devolved into bickering nobles in a civil war. There’s a slave uprising against what’s left of the leadership. Neighboring powers in Corporate space are also vying for control. Basic plan is to have it be an EotE game where the party are independents in Zygerrian space, as each faction vies for their loyalty.

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