Funny thing: I was originally also thinking of playing a Hutt (Specifically a Hired Gun - Enforcer to squeeze as much as I can out of the species), then I noticed you were also playing one, so I went back to the drawing board.
Here’s my sheet. Sort of a stealthy gunslinger with a bit of lockpicking for good measure.
Still working on the specifics but the stats should be there to start.
Alright. I have opened up the in-character topic. You can find it here
I will ask that you check this forum topic at least once a day, and mark the in-character and out-of-character topics “watching”
If it is your character’s turn, or your character has something to do, you have 3 days to do whatever it is. If, after 3 days, you haven’t gone, I’ll take control of your character for that specific instance to keep the game running.
If you know that you won’t be available for a couple days, please PM me and I’ll try to keep your character from being in the spotlight until you get back.
Does that all sound good @Awenea @SarcasticSmileyFace @G_Combustion @Delegate_Zero?
Also, do any of you want to have the plot hook given to you, it should I just pick one of you?
I’m fine with whatever you’d like. Rasad is pretty much looking to get money and notoriety at this point so a heist job would certainly be of interest to him regardless.
As I see it, Warat would probably join up after meeting some shady character at a casino and being told he could earn a large sum of money quickly and get to practice his method acting along the way.
No preference here, as long as it seems logical and provides a good progression for the story.
@SarcasticSmileyFace he’s answered you now.
Everyone else: After this conversation ends, I’ll change scenes to wherever Rasad told you guys to meet him, before he arrives. From there, you each will get to intro your characters by explaining where/how etc. you were recruited, adding whatever dramatic flair you want to it (within reason).
@Awenea @G_Combustion @Delegate_Zero, your characters were contacted by Rasad concerning a job. You were told to meet at this restaurant, with him picking up the tab, do that he could explain the details of the job. Rasad had yet to arrive.
This is the time for your character intros
@Awenea please make a Mechanics check against on Average difficulty. Something about the comm looks different than normal, and a successful check will tell you what that difference is.
Anyone (@G_Combustion @Delegate_Zero @SarcasticSmileyFace) who wants to check this table and the surrounding area for bugs make an Average Perception check.
The gametable can be found here: RPG Sessions - Online RPG Tools | RPG Sessions
The dice-rolling UI is fairly straightforward.
Mechanics and perception has been rolled for Latara.
Ok, there was one bug under the table: a small recording device not large enough to broadcast the data, just store the audio locally.
Also, Latara, the commlink that Rasad set on the table has been modified so it can only call on a single frequency (i.e. it can only pick up and broadcast to the guy who is being called right now, not anyone else). It’s really hard to do that without it being easily noticeable (according to your professional knowledge).
I took a crack at the Perception check as well.
Ok. You confirm that Latara found all the recording devices.
Both of you please narrate