I mostly GM PbP (Play-by-Post) games (now on Discord) because I lack the opportunity to play in-person, except for very occasionally. I have two or three games ongoing at a given time. Like everyone, I have my strengths and weaknesses; don’t think too highly of me without having played with me. xD
Bahaha I’m sure you’re hard on yourself. You could make a crap ton of money on tho. Not many dms running Star Wars games on there.
It’s “startplaying,games,” actually. The link you posted is harmless, but be careful about accidentally linking.
Oh, I’m not nearly good enough at actual live RP, mainly due to a lack of practice. If it was text-based, sure, but I can’t do liveplay to a quality people would want to pay for. Thanks for the suggestion though! For now, I’m happy helping people for free. :)