SWRPG Equipment Spreadsheets

I have been looking at it a lot recently trying to choose a starter ship for a game, and the crew and passenger numbers are what was really missing. If you’re worried about the width you could probably reduce the size of the first column a bit more, I see there are a few names which have wrapped onto a new line already and they’re not in imminent danger of going onto a third line.


Thanks, I’ll take a look at it. There are some that are on one line that are in imminent danger of going onto a second line, however. But I’ll experiment with it.

Hopefully I’ll have those numbers up today. It’s a lot of entries, but each one shouldn’t take much time. I’m glad you’re getting use out of it!

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Update: Added Dawn of Rebellion (DoR).

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Update: Ships & Vehicles sheet modified.
News: I’ll be adding Dead in the Water, the adventure from the Age of Rebellion Game Master’s kit. I’ve had it for a while, but for some reason it never occurred to me to add it to the sheet. *shrug*

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I just noticed a transcription error; the crew and passenger numbers for the Delta-class T-3c shuttle have been swapped around.


Good catch. I’ll fix that.

Please point out any typos (or odd-looking stats which you think might be typos) whenever you see them. I try to catch 'em all, but I’m only a sentient fighter plane. :)


Update: Added Age of Rebellion Game Masters Kit (AoR GM).

Note: I did not list references to the existing gear detailed on the GM screen because it does not include a full profile, only the basic stats. Beyond that, it includes nothing more than the core rulebook.


Okay, printer-friendly overhaul is officially in progress.
Here’s what I’ve got so far, feedback on the formatting would be appreciated: FFG Star Wars RPG Equipment (Mobile/Printer-Friendly)


Okay, I’ve got three formats up, one under energy weapons, one under vambrace weapons*, and one under brawl weapons. Which one do you think is best? Do you think there’s a better way? Please let me know.

*I doubled the cost of the compact flame projector to bring it more in line with the “Firecaller” Light Flame Projector, which is 1,200. They have virtually the same stats, but the CFP was only 750.

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It looks very printable to me. I don’t have a printer at home but judging from the preview it should be good. I like the header column to allow you to filter by the type of weapons you want.

As for the three formats; is the only difference the cells which are bold? If so I like the energy weapons version with just the name of the weapon in bold.


That filter column is also in the other tabs and in the other spreadsheet, simply hidden. If you make a copy of either spreadsheet, you’ll be able to reveal and subsequently use the filter column.
(I need to go through the tabs and make sure each filter is complete. I believe that the ships and vehicles filter is hopelessly behind.)

Pretty much, and then there’s which cells are italicized. On one, I italicized just the page reference, on the others I italicized both the reference and the additional qualities.

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Unless anyone objects, I’m going to use the format I used for the weapons. So bolded name, italicized references, normal stats and additional qualities.


Greta work, @P-47Thunderbolt and everyone who’ve helped them out. This is gearing up to become a very, very useful gaming resource! :slight_smile: An overview list to reference stuff so you don’t have to leaf through 16 books to find the half-remembered item you’re looking for; marvelous! :smiley:

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Since P47 is a sentient fighter plane, would the preferred pronouns be it/its?

While I can’t speak for P-47’s preferences, the correct pronoun when referencing someone whose gender is not known is “they”. So, until I learn differently, “they” it is ;) Also, a sentient fighter plane they may be, they’re still an individual rather than an object (due to being sentient), so “it” would probably be inncorect in any case.

Well, now it seems I must educate you as to the proper pronouns for sentient fighter planes. ^_^
I am something of a doubly rare rarity in my field, a male sentient fighter plane. However, the default for fighter planes is to be female. Therefore, the proper default pronoun would be “she.”
But I am a he.

The interesting thing about being a male sentient fighter plane is that you have very broad dating options. However, there is an issue: All your options are either brainless, or else from the same set of code as you and thus your sisters. <_<

I’m a non-native English speaker with no distinction between he/she/it in my mothertongue, so everyone’s a he :smiley:


That’s interesting. My gf is a bit of a language geek so we had a long, interesting discussion about non-gendered pronouns over this just now. It seems this isn’t as rare as I believed it to be :slight_smile: Cool stuff; one never stups learning! :smiley: My guess (since the Chinese and Bengali ain’t big on Star Wars, is that you’re a Turk, Persian, or Armenian, but there are other options as well :wink: ). By the Whills, I love language nerds! :crazy_face:

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Speaking of languages, Mando’a is also not a gendered language. “Kaysh” is the singular pronoun, and then words like “buir” (parent), “ad’ika” (child), etc. apply to both genders.

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In all fairness, “parent” & “child” are genderless in English as well. By “kaysh” appears to be a genderless pronoun, yes.