SWRPG Equipment Spreadsheets

I think in mando’a that “ad’ika” replaces both son and daughter as well though. And “buir” replaces both mother and father.


So who can rename the topic to Language and Grammar in a galaxy far far away? :smiley:


Missing Sap Gloves, apparently from Spy career sourcebook, [SWA53] Cyphers & Masks

If it isn’t from one of the books I list on the first post, it isn’t in the sheet.

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I noticed that you’ve included the Lightsabre stats from EotE/AoR. Maybe a note should be added, explaining that that lightsabre is one with a fully-modded Ilum crystal, unlike the Basic Lightsabre from FaD (which contains an un-modded Ilum crystal).

I won’t do that, because the lightsabers are completely separate from the FaD stats. It doesn’t use a lightsaber crystal attachment, and it doesn’t have any HP.

FaD makes the lightsaber obsolete anyway. I’d leave its use, implementation, and quirks up to the GM in question.

At least make sure that any EotE/AoR-focused GM knows what’s in it, in case they start adding FaD stuff and wonder what’s going on with the differences.

Well, my point is that there isn’t anything in it, mechanically speaking. It’s completely disconnected.
I suppose I could add an editor’s note that the stats line up, but I don’t see it as necessary or relevant. It’s up to GM discretion, and I don’t want to infringe on that or muddle matters.

If I add an editor’s note, it would probably be to say that you shouldn’t mix it with the FaD lightsabers, but that doesn’t seem necessary.

As I work on the printer-friendly overhaul, I have encountered a dilemma for formatting Attachment descriptions.
When I list it using notes (which lack formatting), it appears like this:

Base Modifiers: Yada yada yada.

Modification Options: X yada yada Mods.

But when it comes to putting it in the cell, I have to cram it together to save space. That causes it to often look like a block of text, and bolding is useful there to distinguish between Base Modifiers and Modification Options.

If you’d take a look at what I’ve got so far, I’d appreciate feedback as to what works/looks best. I’ll proceed under the assumption that I should bold the headers, as I’m guessing it’s the way to go and undoing that takes very little work. I’ll leave a few examples of the non-bold text at the top of Ranged Weapon Attachments for comparison.

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Yes. bolding looks best.
BTW thanks for this because searching in note fields is not supported in Google Sheets (or at least, not obvious to me). Doing this makes a search for an attachment/mod that gives a certain quality much easier.


One of the side benefits of this overhaul is that it requires me to look at each and every entry and note again, so I catch a lot of typos, omissions, and stylistic variations. As I go through, I’m doing my best to correct all of these on the compact version as well.


As a struggling author I can attest that the magic happens in editing :wink:

You’re doing a great job! :smiley:

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Okay, now I’ve run into an issue with the Gear and Equipment tab.
I had it in parallel columns so you can double the number of listings on a page, but when you’re adding the descriptions below, now each row is as large as the largest member, meaning you add a lot of extra space. Further, the columns are so narrow that it is not uncommon to have 5-7 rows or even far more just for the description.
The other problem I’ve run into is that the rows are relatively evenly split between the Name column and the three quality columns. That makes it hard to split it for the reference/qualities segments. I have two different approaches up at the top, one on each side, if you want to give any feedback. One keeps it more in the style of the other tabs, but makes the additional qualities column even narrower, the other makes better use of space but breaks with previous stylings and looks a bit… odd.
All of that to say, I think I need to overhaul it dramatically.

I’ll definitely have to make it single column, but that also means widening it dramatically. One way to do that would be to tack a “Reference” column on at the end of the row, placing the book and page on the actual row and then leaving the entire row below for the description.
But that breaks with previous stylings.
The other way would be to find some way to stretch it out, and then put the reference below the name and the description below the other qualities, in keeping with previous stylings.

I’d appreciate any feedback on this.

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I prefer the left option. Use the wider column for the description, so less vertical space wasted.

Okay, I decided on a single column of listings, rather than two parallel. It has to be a certain length, which meant I had to stretch it out significantly beyond what it practical for the existing columns.

So the question now is what to use that extra space for, or to just leave it blank.
Currently, I have listed two columns: “Skills (Used/Affected)” and “Skills (Opposed).”
Like “2 Setback to Perception checks made to detect” would be Perception under opposed, or “Upgrade all social skill checks” would be Charm, Coercion, Deception, (et al) under used/affected.
That information is all included in the Additional Qualities description, so is it really worth listing it there, or should I just leave a long blank column?

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When I’ve made similar equipment lists in other games, I have often tried to include short-hand notes for which factions use the item, or other RPG-relevant details. Say the GM just thought up an NPC who’s a veteran Rebel who survived the Battle of Hoth, but they don’t exactly remember what sort of equipment a typical Hoth soldier carried, they could just scan the list for any “Rebel soldiers & SpecForces (Hoth, Endor)” etc. for inspiration. Would something like that be possible? (It would, of course, add loads of extra work…)

No, I’m afraid not. Too many judgement calls, crossovers, unknowns, caveats, and too much room for disagreement.
It would also usually require a lot of extra detail, as opposed to just a couple words. I don’t want to expand the list dramatically, just fill the extra space (if it is even necessary to fill it).

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Would it be at all possible to make the header (Title - Damage - Crit - etc) float and stay on screen when you scroll down? Its easy to forget which column means what and I always find myself scrolling back up to check what I’m looking at. Only if possible and worth the time.

Just a QoL thing.

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Hmm… I did. A while ago. Not sure why it’s not showing up for you?

Is anybody else seeing it?

One idea for how to use that extra space would be to break with previous formatting styles and simply place the page reference there instead.

It’d save some space, but I think I’d rather just leave it blank and keep a consistent style throughout. I’ll continue under that assumption, but I’m open to feedback.